Basic Usage

You can use the command line to process your hostlist strings by using the following command:

python <method> <args>...

Here is a list of all of the methods available:

-h, --help
Display this message.
-q, --quiet
Quiet output (exit non-zero if empty hostlist)
-d, --delimiters
Set output delimiter (default = “,”)
-c, --count
Print the number of hosts
-s, --size
Output at most N hosts (-N for last N hosts)
-e, --expand
Expand a compressed hostlist
-a, --abbreviate
Compress an expanded hostlist
-t, --tighten
Return a hostlist string
-m, --minus
Subtract all HOSTLIST args from first HOSTLIST
-i, --intersection
Intersection of all HOSTLIST args
-x, --exclude
Exclude all HOSTLIST args from first HOSTLIST
-X, --xor
Symmetric difference of all HOSTLIST args
-u, --union
Union of all HOSTLIST arguments
-n, --nth
Output the host at index N
-R, --remove
Remove all occurences of NODE from HOSTLIST
-S, --sort
Return sorted HOSTLIST
-F, --find
Output position of HOST in result HOSTLIST

For example, to execute the expand function displayed above, users can run the following:

python -e node[1-4]

This will return node1,node2,node3,node4.